As a business owner, you understand that not all businesses are the same. Take a look at some of the business insurance coverages Allstate can provide and see which ones are right for you.

Business Owner Policy (BOP)

Businessowners' Policies (BOP) bundle property, liability, and business interruption coverages into a single policy, protecting against equipment damage, customer lawsuits, lost business income due to a covered event like a fire, and more.



Workers’ Compensation Policies (WC) protect your small business employees from work-related injuries such as slips, falls, lacerations, or muscle strains.



Professional Liability Policies (PL or E&O) guard your clients from lawsuits and claims related to professional errors. PL is a monoline product and can be bundled with other common insurance products.

General Liability

General Liability Policies (GL) protects your small business clients in the event of a claim (property damage or bodily harm) from customers, the public, and contractors. This is the most common insurance for small businesses.

Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance Policies protect businesses from losses directly caused by flooding and help them recover quickly. The average commercial flood claim is $90,000.

Cyber Insurance

Active Cyber Insurance protects your clients from digital risks including stolen funds, lost business income, cyber extortion, breach response, and other costs that result from a security failure or data breach.

Don't wait- Get covered Today!

The time to protect your business is now. Don't leave your success to chance. Contact OnePoint Insurance Agency today to discuss your insurance needs and let our experts craft a comprehensive coverage plan tailored just for you. Safeguard your business and enjoy the peace of mind you deserve.



555 North Point Center E Suite 400, Alpharetta, GA 30022


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